Monday, 16 June 2014

Reading Amateur Regatta: Day 2

Yesterday, we had another wonderful day of racing at the Reading Amateur Regatta and as a team we are now beginning to shift our focus to next week’s races at Women’s Henley.  Just so you know who’s behind the keyboard today, this is Maggie Freed with your daily blog update! 

As we entered our second day of racing at the Reading Regatta, both boats were ready for a battle.  We went out for a nice morning row to get stretched out and ready for the 1100 meter races later in the day.  After our warm-up row, the team ventured back to the hotel for another delicious breakfast (this time without collecting quite as much jam and Nutella).  The rest of the afternoon was spent napping, hydrating, and getting ready for some serious racing.

The 1V (better known as the WPI – Waddell boat) faced off against St. Paul’s in the afternoon.  WPI jumped off the starting line with a high stroke rate, preparing for a bow ball to bow ball race with the competition.  Stroke by stroke, and seat by seat WPI – Waddell moved through the opposition along the length of the race course.  I was rowing four seat of the WPI - Waddell and was excited to be a part of such a competitive and exciting race.  By the finish, WPI powered through the line for a decisive victory.

This victory set WPI – Waddell up against some serious competition for the final.  I’m talking about a boat full of strong, fast, and incredibly powerful women; we've seen them in action before.  I’m talking about… the 2V (officially known as WPI – Barolli).  The trash talking was dirty (not really), the stares were tense (mostly loving), and the hugs a little shorter than normal (probably cause we smelled).  The two boats sat on the starting line together, prepared for a WPI versus WPI final.  The red flag waved decisively, and we were off!  WPI – Barolli flew off the starting line, grabbing a few seats from WPI – Waddell.  Soon, however, WPI – Waddell gathered together and found their rhythm.  The clash of the titans ended when WPI – Waddell crossed the finish line, with WPI – Barolli not far behind.

I’ve always known that our team consisted of a wonderful group of women, but that fact was apparent yesterday. Facing off against your teammates means finding a balance between being friends and facing off as competitors.  On the race course the team may have been fighting against each other, but the second there was one foot on the dock all hard feelings are set aside for the sake of team camaraderie. WPI – Waddell may have been the boat to bring home some international hardware, but having a final of WPI vs WPI was a victory all on its own.

Below are a few pictures taken after the regatta!

1 comment:

  1. this put tears in my eyes. not a joke.

    Sara Waddell
    Adoring Fan
